Blind Hockey

The Parasport of Blind Hockey is a variation of ice hockey for athletes of all ages who are blind or partially sighted.  It is a sport that is played in the winter, with both recreational and competitive opportunities available in Nova Scotia. 
The sport uses some modified rules and equipment compared to Ice Hockey including:
The puck is three times larger, made of metal, and makes noise.
The nets are three feet tall instead of four feet tall.
A pass is needed after passing the blue line before shooting.  A pass whistle indicates to the offensive players that they may attempt to score, and at the same time letting the defensive players and goalies know a shot may be coming.
Blind Hockey is currently offered in Halifax at the Shearwater Arena through the Nova Scotia See Kings.

Blind Hockey in Nova Scotia is governed by Hockey Nova Scotia.

Individual Program Information

CommunityOrganizationLocationRegister & Contact
HalifaxNova Scotia Blind HockeySaint Mary’s UniversityRegister
DartmouthNova Scotia Blind HockeyShearwater ArenaRegister

For more information, contact: 
Nova Scotia Blind Hockey
Nova Scotia See Kings