Everyone has the right to have the opportunity to participate in sport and recreation. Sport and physical activity helps maintain the mental and physical health of Nova Scotian’s, strengthens our communities, and positively contributes to our overall quality of life. We want to encourage all Nova Scotian’s to become more involved in sport, regardless of their ability.
Para or Adaptive sports are competitive and/or recreational sports for people of any age, or ability living with, or without a disability. Almost any sport can be adapted by equipment, changing the rules or using some creativity. Inclusion is what matters most, and all persons should have the opportunity to play. Parasports is on a spectrum: from a stand-alone program (all people have similar disabilities), to integrated programs (a mix of players, with a disability, and abled bodied players). Many sports use a classification system that puts athletes with physical challenges on an even playing field with each other.

Benefits of Parasport
Everyone has the right to have the opportunity to participate in sport and recreation. Sport and physical activity helps maintain the mental and physical health of Nova Scotian’s, strengthens our communities, and positively contributes to our overall quality of life. by providing;
- Autonomy – having the ability to make choices
- Belongingness – being part of a group
- Challenge – being challenged
- Engagement – feeling involved
- Mastery – experiencing success
- Meaning – evoking personal relevance